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Why is React.JS a Perfect Choice for Web Development?

With growing UX prominence, business want to develop a website that appeals to the users with its user-friendliness, high performance, and intuitiveness. Conclusively, front-end development is a vital aspect of web development. With so many frameworks and libraries available, the organizations get confused with the multiple choices they have on the table.


That’s where the React.JS framework stands out that has powered more than 10 million websites across the globe. Since 2011, React.JS used by the leading players of the world to gain an edge in the market. Instagram started using React.JS in 2012, even before its open-sourced, then large companies incorporated React.JS in 2014 in their production environments, and after 2016, the stable React.JS with continuous updates used by Fortune 500 companies.

What is React.JS?

It’s a JS library that’s built by Facebook for the fast and scalable front-end development of websites. The framework enables developers to build state-of-the-art UIs with UI components that bind visual elements and logic. The front-end framework used for building desktop apps and executing the back-end. Besides, the vibrant ecosystem of React.JS provides a custom toolset that developers can use to create complex applications. It ensures when you choose React.JS for front-end development, you will get benefitted with several advantages.

The library is a great fit to build social applications, video streaming apps, and on-demand apps because of its mobile responsiveness. As the talented developers support React.JS usage for building advanced web applications, it makes perfect sense to hire React.JS developers and make your presence felt online.

How is React.JS the best solution for web development?

Many technologies are available for application development. Nevertheless, ReactJS gets you an extra edge over other platforms. Here are a few important features that keep this technology in forefront.

Easy learning curve

React.JS coding language and development interface is well-optimized for web development. The React.JS API renders high-performance capabilities that help accomplish glitch-free and faster development goals. React.JS components are easy to understand which makes the learning curve low. The optimal number of HTML attribute creation and JSX insertion into JavaScript provides cleaner and readable code. The knowledge of JavaScript enables developers to develop web apps using React.JS technology.

Ultimate flexibility

React.JS library is utterly flexible, that’s used in many ways. The mastery of JavaScript allows developers to build unmatched UI for multiple platforms. It enables static, dynamic, and desktop application development using various tools. The latest React.JS VR addition enables VR website development. It also supports server rendering for its components. Even, React.JS used in modifying the features of existing apps built using different technology.

Ensure great performance

The changes in DOM make the app perform slowly, but DOM virtualization diminishes the changes. The internal changes in virtual DOM save CPU power and battery. React.JS leverages virtual DOM everywhere.

React.JS offers fast rendering capabilities with DOM virtualization and storing it in memory. It allows developers to test all changes that appear in virtual DOM. The different algorithm identifies the best way to apply new changes with minimum updates by mixing former and existing virtual DOM states. The reduced updates result in faster read/write time, which, in turn, boosts app performance.

Reusable components

The apps are built using small components such as buttons, menus, checkboxes, and dropdowns that are encapsulated with wrapper components. When higher-level wrapper components written, there will be a single root component and the rest of the components arranged as a hierarchical component. In React.JS apps, the story is completely different.

Every component has its logic and rendering principle. That’s why React.JS components are created separately and can be reused. The components act as a unique object that can be used in another app having code compatible with the React.JS library. It makes achieving scalability objectives effortless.

Testing becomes a breeze!

The React.JS web app’s UI design is easy to test as it requires little-to-no configuration, and individual components tested using the node command line. The command-line tests are performed at speed, and comparatively, a large number of tests run simultaneously. Additionally, writing React.JS tests leveraging tools like- Enzyme is a piece of cake, which makes testing a time-inexpensive affair. The broad spectrum of JS testing frameworks makes React.JS app testing effortless.

It’s developer-friendly

React.JS coding makes the developer fall in love with the React.JS library because of the accelerated development and lightweight API. The exemplary toolset of React.JS capacitates the developers with tools that are easy to install and use as chrome extensions. The developers can check dispatch actions, examine hierarchy components, and view state changes off the bat straight in the extension. It uplifts the developers’ productivity.

Unmatched community support

React.JS is one of the top repositories that has gained more than 160 stars on Github. The developers followed by specialists working on Facebook software making a valuable contribution to creating React.JS- a better frontend library. Plus, React.JS tutorials on YouTube and published as articles are a great help to resolve the queries. Several experts on Quora, QA sites, and Stack Overflow help developers get a reliable solution.

Unique abstraction layer

The good abstraction layer in React.JS prevents the users from accessing the complex ‘behind-the-scenes’ of the application. With good know-how of the React.JS basics, the developers get to know about internal functionalities and design UI in an architectural-free manner. React.JS frees the developers from following any architectural pattern.

Code stability is a key

The downward data flow in the React.JS library keeps the parent node in an intact position when changes made to child nodes. When changes made in objects, only states need to change that update the component automatically. The data flow ensures code stability and improved performance.

Enable writing custom components

Custom app development is a need of the hour. The custom component writing with JSX syntax extension makes it possible. The HTML quoting acceptance and subcomponent rendering by custom components makes development a great experience for developers.

Wrapping it up

JavaScript framework has taken the software development world by storm. React.JS is no exception. The front-end framework offers a bunch of advantages that organizations cannot ignore. It’s worth attention for the SMBs to large-size enterprise project requires impressive UI, improved user interactions, or fantastic graphics. The appealing use cases ensure that you can consider it for next-gen web development.

Want to start a project using React.JS technology? If so, get clear with your project scope and hire React.JS developers to enjoy the benefit of this library.