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Top 15 Ways to boost your Instagram post Engagement in 2023

Instagram has become an essential platform for businesses and individuals alike to build their online presence, engage with their audience, and drive traffic to their website. However, with over 1 billion active users on the platform, it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd and get your posts seen by the right people. In this article, we will discuss 15 ways to boost your Instagram post engagement and increase your reach.

boost your Instagram post Engagement

Instagram post engagement is essential for several reasons:

1. Increased visibility:

Instagram's algorithm prioritizes posts with high engagement rates, meaning that posts with high engagement are more likely to be seen by a wider audience.

2. Build a community:

Engaged followers are more likely to become loyal followers, building a community of users who are invested in your brand.

3. Establish credibility:

A high engagement rate can help establish credibility and authority in your industry or niche.

4. Drive traffic:

Engaged followers are more likely to click through to your website or purchase your products, driving traffic and revenue.

5. Improve brand awareness:

Increased engagement can lead to higher brand awareness and recognition, helping to build your brand's reputation and reach.

Overall, Instagram post engagement is critical for building a strong online presence, establishing credibility, and driving traffic and revenue. By implementing strategies to increase engagement, businesses and individuals can build a loyal community of engaged followers who are invested in their brand.

Why My Instagram account engagement rate is low

There could be several reasons why your Instagram account's engagement rate is low. Here are a few possible reasons:

  • Low-quality content: If your content is not engaging or visually appealing, your followers may be less likely to engage with it.
  • Inconsistent posting: If you're not posting consistently, your followers may lose interest and engagement may decrease.
  • Irrelevant content: If your content is not relevant to your target audience, they may not find it interesting or worth engaging with.
  • Low visibility: If your content is not reaching your target audience, they may not have the opportunity to engage with it.
  • Lack of engagement with followers: If you're not engaging with your followers by responding to comments and messages, they may be less likely to engage with your content.
  • Overly promotional content: If your content is overly promotional and focused solely on selling products or services, your followers may be less likely to engage with it.

To improve your engagement rate, focus on creating high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience, post consistently, engage with your followers, and experiment with different posting strategies to increase visibility. Additionally, consider running contests or giveaways, collaborating with other accounts, and using relevant hashtags to increase visibility and engagement.

What is a good engagement rate on Instagram?

A good engagement rate on Instagram can vary depending on the size of your following and the industry or niche you are in. However, as a general rule of thumb, an engagement rate of 1-3% is considered to be good. For accounts with a smaller following, an engagement rate of 5-7% is considered excellent.

To calculate your engagement rate, divide the number of likes and comments on a post by the number of followers you have and multiply by 100. For example, if you have 10,000 followers and your post receives 500 likes and 50 comments, your engagement rate would be 5.5% ((500 + 50) / 10,000 x 100).

It's important to note that engagement rates can vary based on the content you post, the time of day you post, and the quality of your followers. To improve your engagement rate, focus on creating high-quality content that resonates with your target audience, engage with your followers, and experiment with different posting strategies.

15 Ways to Boost Instagram Engagement

1. Create shareable content:

Create content that is engaging, visually appealing, and shareable. Shareable content encourages your followers to share your post with their friends, increasing your reach and engagement.

2. Use Instagram Stories:

Instagram Stories are a great way to engage with your followers and increase your visibility. Use stickers, polls, and questions to encourage engagement and create a sense of community.

3. Post at the right time:

The timing of your post is crucial for getting maximum engagement. Analyze your audience's behavior to determine the best time to post your content.

4. Use engaging captions:

Captions are a great way to tell a story, add context, and encourage engagement. Use captions that are engaging, informative, and ask questions to encourage your followers to engage with your post.

5. Collaborate with other accounts:

Collaborate with other accounts in your niche to increase your reach and engagement. Collaborations can include giveaways, shootouts, or joint content creation.

6. Post consistently:

Consistency is key to building a strong online presence. Post regularly to keep your followers engaged and to increase your visibility on the platform.

7. Engage with your followers:

Engage with your followers by responding to their comments, DMs, and tags. This will create a sense of community and encourage engagement.

8. Use Instagram Reels:

Instagram Reels is a new feature that allows users to create short-form videos. Use Reels to display your products, services, or brand personality, and increase your visibility on the platform. Sometime reels not working on Instagram but you can refresh your feed or log in back to your account to fix this issue.

9. Host Instagram Live sessions:

Instagram Live is a great way to engage with your followers in real-time. Use Live sessions to answer questions, share behind-the-scenes content, or host Q&A sessions.

10. Use user-generated content:

User-generated content is a great way to increase engagement and build brand loyalty. Share user-generated content on your profile, and give credit to the original creator.

11. Offer exclusive deals:

Offer exclusive deals, discounts, or promotions to your followers to encourage engagement and build brand loyalty.

12. Use Instagram Ads:

Instagram Ads are a great way to reach a wider audience and increase engagement. Use Ads to promote your content, products, or services to your target audience.

13. Analyse your performance:

Analyse your performance using Instagram Insights to determine what is working and what is not. Use this data to optimize your content and strategy.

14. Use call-to-action:

Use call-to-action to encourage your followers to engage with your post. CTAs can include asking your followers to like, comment, tag, or share your post.

15. Use relevant hashtags:

Hashtags are essential for getting your content discovered on Instagram. Use relevant hashtags that are related to your niche, industry, or topic to increase your reach.


Increasing your Instagram post engagement requires consistent effort, creativity, and experimentation. Use the above strategies to boost your Instagram engagement and build a strong online presence. Remember, building a strong community takes time, so be patient and keep experimenting to find what works best for you.